Zach's November-December 2014 click here to go to Zach's Jan-Feb 2015 page

We kicked off the month with a bush walk to Karloo Pools with friends 2014-11-01

Then Jenn's 40th birthday party with more friends! (-Complete with hilarious Who's-Line-Is-It-Anyway games! :=D This one is 'Sit, Stand, Bend') 2014-11-01

Checking out Big Lambie close-up with his new microscope viewer 2014-11-05

Viva la (Wollong)Gong with friends -- and POUTINE! :=> 2014-11-08

Zach's 'zoobformer' creation :=D (It's in person-shape, can you tell?) 2014-11-16

Church trivia night - with projects for the kids! 2014-11-21

True to form, Zach's play imitated life... -trivia questions! 2014-11-22

Zachy, the red-nosed reindeer :=) 2014-12-07

Southside Montessori School kids created (from scratch!) their own mini-opera for the end-of-year concert: "The Secret Twin" 2014-12-12

Time to decorate the Christmas tree! 2014-12-14

Carols by candlelight (...or sparklerlight, as the case may have been) in sister church society, Roseville 2014-12-14

Zach with one of his K'nex creations (and a haircut!) 2014-12-15

Mommy & Zach make gingerbread, for our gingerbread house decorating! 2014-12-17

Since our church Christmas pageant is held on the Sunday evening prior to Christmas, we've developed a tradition of going on an excursion in the morning - this year, to the Harbour Bridge Pylon 2014-12-21

-After the Pylon, lunch! (...waiting for it, anyway,...) 2014-12-21

That evening, the pageant - with boys as wisemen (*nowhere in the Bible does it specify "three wisemen", only "three gifts"!) 2014-12-21

Dipping nuts & dried fruit into chocolate, for stocking stuffers, yummm! 2014-12-24

The Christmas Eve tradition of decorating (and eating!) our gingerbread house! 2014-12-24

Opening Christmas presents :=) 2014-12-25

Zach created a scavenger hunt for Mommy & Daddy, for their presents! (Go into the downstairs guest room. Then: turn to face the <....? something-something desk?> then: forward, forward, forward, forward, right and look in that area.) 2014-12-25

Possibly Zach's most awesomest Christmas present: Metroplex :=) (Transformer, of course) 2014-12-26

-Finally, we made it to the (Wanda) beach on Christmas Day! :=D 2014-12-25

Not exactly a sweltering summer's day,... but good enough for a game of jai alai2014-12-25

Shenanigans with his awesome Daddy :=) 2014-12-27


    click here to go to Zach's Jan-Feb 2015 page